God has equipped us to achieve His purpose.
ICC Kids
Our Kids Ministry Sunday program is an age specific fun filled program that is action-packed with worship, teaching, games and lots of other exciting activities. We aim to teach children to love, grow and encounter the Lord Jesus Christ. Kids don't have a junior Holy Spirit, they have the same Holy Spirit as all of us.
Every Sunday we run these exciting programs during our 9 AM service at all locations:
Little Cherubs – for ages 2 – 4
Noah’s Ark – for grades Prep to 2
J-Club – for grades 3 – 6
Leader: Jassica Chia

Worship Ministry
We see this house as our home, and it's ours to fill with worship. We have a major role to play in hosting God's presence in our gatherings and to encourage hunger and desperation for the presence of God. We facilitate the beautiful act of worship and seek to be sensitive to what the Spirit of God is saying and doing. The Worship Ministry includes singers, musicians, choir, dance, drama, tech, and production.
Worship Ministry Admin: Lizzie Moore
Abide Youth
Abide Youth is the youth ministry of ICC. We gather every Friday to have fun, worship, engage with powerful and life-transforming messages and to build up one another through encouraging and authentic sharing in connect groups.
The word “Abide” speaks of our desire to remain in God’s presence and His Word. We want young people to encounter God in a powerful way and be equipped to tell the World about Christ and to positively influence their world.
Leader: Joshua Vergis

Chinese Service
in Salisbury Campus
Come and enjoy our dynamic multicultural worship & sharing of the word of God in Chinese at Salisbury Campus (109 Golda Ave, Salisbury QLD).
Contact persons: Yun & Susan
WiSH stands for Wholeness in Self and Home. We offer courses for singles (Embark), dating couples (Discovery), marriage preparation courses and parenting courses including parenting seminars, Marriage on Track, Marriage Preparation Course, etc.
Find out more about our services
Leader: Ps Michael Chong

Sometimes girls just want to have some fun. Cherish gathers ladies three times a year to connect and live life together. We eat, play, learn and worship together at these fun-filled women’s events.
Connect Groups
Connect Groups are the backbones of ICC and the primary space where friendship and discipleship take place. We have groups meeting throughout Brisbane to build genuine fellowships, grow spiritually and bring transformations to the local communities.
ICC has a diverse range of connect groups, such as groups who meet based on a common language, common age, common interests and common geographical locations. We have it all!
Leader: Ps Michael Chong

Service Operations Team (SOT)
Do you like meeting new people and making them feel welcomed? The Service Operations Team welcomes and connects new people to ICC. The crew includes our friendly Car park team, Welcome Lounge hosts and Coffee Pot barista. Together, they create a warm and friendly atmosphere to welcome new guests and help people during and after church service.
Leader: Ps Faith Leong
ICC Young Adults (18-35 Years)
We are a vibrant multicultural group of young people. We come together every Sunday to be part of our dynamic services. Throughout the week we have connect groups that gather all over Brisbane in different homes. Our vision is to empower young adults to succeed in life through healthy community and mentoring opportunities.
Leader: Ps Michael Chong

University Campus Ministry
Catalyst Club
The Catalyst Club is international, multicultural and for all ages. We provide care and support for all students. We run fun social events and outings, Alpha courses, games nights, professional workshops, etc. We exist on many university campuses, to support people in any way we can. Our goal is to love God and love people.
We are all about relationships (multiculturalism), building a faith community (miracles), empowering young people (ministry equipping) and serving others (missions).
Leader: Chai Yen